Zingaspray offers the film galvanising system ZINGA in an aerosol spray for easy small applications. contains 96% Zinc in the dry film and provides cathodic protection to ferrous metals.
Zingaspray is ideal for the repairing and touching-up of damaged or old hot-dipped, Zinganised or other zinc coated structures.
What is Zinga?
The Film Galvanising System ZINGA is a one pack coating that contains 96% zinc in the dry film and provides cathodic protection of ferrous metals. It can be used as a unique system as an alternative to hot-dip galvanisation or metallisation, as primer in a duplex system (active + passive) or as a recharging system for hot-dip galvanisation, metallisation or zinganised surfaces. It can be applied by brushing, rolling or spraying on a clean and rough substrate in a wide range of atmospheric circumstances
Zingaspray - Zinc Galvanising Spray (500ml) - Cold/Film Galvanizing
Technical Data Sheet