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Rumst - Belgium - Bridge steel structure

Canada - Confederation Bridge Steel Structures

Blanice -Czech Republic - River Bridge Steel Structures

Norway - Finnmark Bridge Steel Structures

Thailand - Thai-Belgian Bridge - Structural Steels

Ghent- Belgium - Keizer Bridge Steel Structures

Canada - Overlander Bridge Steel Structures

Hamburg - Germany - Tangstedt Bridge Steel Structures

Norway - Hell Bridge Steel Structures

​Taiwan - Jhong Jheng overpass Bridge - Steel Structures

​Melle - Belgium - Bridge Steel Structures

Beijing - China - New Shougang Bridge Steel Structures

Myanmar - TOTAL Bridge USB 100B - Structural Steel

Norway - Kalvoya Bridge Steel Structures

Afsnee - Belgium - Wegenfonds Bridge Steel Strcutures

China - Huangzhou Bay Bridge (Rebars)

China - Monorail Project - Rebars & Other Structures

Thailand - Phutta Yodfa Bridge - Structural Steels

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